Cheese Cutting Board

Today's woodworking project was the first step into my adventure in woodworking. For the past several months, I've been making woodturning projects. I felt like it was time to try something different!

Making a cutting board is one of the easiest projects to start with. You definitely don't need any expensive or fancy tools to make one. Short on time? You can make a cutting board in as little as 1 hour (does not include the glue drying time).

You can use scrap wood from other projects, dimensional lumber from you big box stores, or from a lumber supplier. I've found that when you start using wood outside of the common varieties at the big box stores, it can get kind of pricy. The cheapest I've found is to get un-milled wood from a lumber supplier.

No matter what wood you use, you cut the pieces to the desired width and glue them together. After the glue dries, you can either use a sander or planer to remove any unevenness from the glue up. You then need to cut the glued boards to your final dimensions, round over the corners (optional), sand to 220 grit, and then apply a food safe finish like mineral oil.

That's all there is to making your basic cutting board. There are many different designs and options if you want to take it up a notch. Check out David Picciuto's book on making cutting boards for some great ideas (

Please leave a comment if there are any questions you have or if you feel like I missed explaining a step.



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