Textured & Painted Cottonwood Bowl (For Sale)

For this project I try a new finishing technique that I saw in the December 2020 issue of Fine Woodworking magazine. I'm always looking for new shapes to turn or a new finish technique. I found it in a very unlikely place. Don't get me wrong, Fine Woodworking magazine has some amazing projects, but they usually are not woodturning.

I wanted a light colored piece of wood for this bowl. I've really been enjoying turning this cottonwood and I thought this would be the perfect piece of wood for this project. I started with the half of a log from another project. I was shooting for a 7.5" (190 mm) round and 4" (102 mm) deep bowl.

After shaping the outside of the bowl, I took a 3/8" spindle gouge and used the tip to make grooves in the side. I took several passes and varied the speed. I wanted something random and that didn't just look like straight lines. Then I added two coats of General Finishes Blue Moon milk paint. After letting it dry overnight, I sanded down the sides a little to reveal the wood. This produced a very neat texture. I sealed up the outside with some sanding sealer and walnut oil.

Click here if you’d like to purchase this piece.

Please leave a comment if there are any questions you have or if you feel like I missed explaining a step.

Psalms 8:3-4 (NIV)

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?

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