Pressure Pot Setup

I have been waiting a long time to take the plunge into resin casting. Well, I finally did it. It did not go without hiccups though. I could not get a good seal with the teflon tape so I resorted to using some Loctite to seal the thread of the pipe fittings. The lid's gasket is still leaking a little bit, but I was still able to get a clear cast free of bubbles (it appears that was through the dark blue). All in all, I resounding success. Below are all of the parts that I used to convert the pressure tank over to a pressure pot. I will making a pen out of the blanks really soon! Stay tuned for that video and please subscribe so you don't miss it!

Please leave a comment if there are any questions you have or if you feel like I missed explaining a step.



Vertex Pencil & Alumilite Blank


Maple, Padauk, & Walnut Bowl