Select Maple Rice Bowl (For Sale)

Do you ever have one of those days when you have no idea what to make? After a while, you run out of bowl shapes to make. That was where I was at when I headed out into the shop to turn something.

I got this blank online which was fresh cut and sealed in wax when I received it. Thanks to our extremely hot and dry summer of 2020, it dried out in record time without any cracking. So what does “Select Maple” even mean? According to the site I got it at, select maple can have mineral streaking, curl, burl clusters, or ambrosia lines. This particular piece had mineral streaking and ambrosia lines. All in all, the patterns were stunning to me!

I just started turning this by truing it up and as I was doing that, the shape came to me. I’m no expert on rice bowls, but the shape that came to mind was what I’ve seen in restaurants. It is a pretty simple shape to turn and I would say that the most challenging part is making sure that you have a gradual curve from the foot to the rim. My first attempt didn’t have the sloping curve that I was looking for so I I kept at it until I was happy with the shape and there were no tool marks.

I finished the bowl with Acks Polishing Paste for a good food safe base and then with Doctor’s Friction Polish, also food safe, to get a shiny, but no mirror finish.

The final dimensions for the bowl was a diameter of 7.75” x 3” deep.

Please leave a comment if you have any questions that I can answer about this project.

Click here if you’d like to purchase this piece.

2 Timothy 4:7 (NIV) I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.



Walnut, Canary, & Maple Bowl. (For Sale)


Acacia Fruit Bowl